Course curriculum

  • 01


    • Welcome - 2 min

  • 02

    STERI - A Systematic Approach

    • The STERI Assessment - Scene Size Up - 5 min

    • S- Safety - 4 min

    • T - Terrain - 4 min

    • E - Environment - 3 min

    • R- Resources - 4 min

    • I - Impression - 4 min

    • STERI in Action - 20 min

    • Mountain Hiker SAR

    • Injured Skier

    • Ridgeline SAR

    • Roadside Situation

    • Cold Canyon Rescue

  • 03

    Exercises: STERI SAR Scenarios

    • Mountain Hiker SAR - Instructor Answers

    • Injured Skier - Instructor Answers

    • Ridgeline SAR - Instructor Answers

    • River Canyon Rescue

    • River Canyon Rescue - Instructor Answers

    • Roadside Situation - Instructor Answers

    • Cold Canyon Rescue - Instructor Answers

  • 04

    The Next Steps

    • Calling It In : The CAN Report - 6 min

    • Some Brief Considerations About Helicopter Use - 8 min

    • Why STERI before CAN? - 3 min

  • 05

    Exercise: CAN report

    • Overview

    • Example CAN Report: Mountain Hiker SAR

    • Example CAN Report: Injured Skier

    • Example CAN Report: Ridgeline SAR

    • Example CAN Report: River Canyon Rescue

  • 06

    Patient Consent & Communication

    • Consent - 10 min

    • Communicating With the Subject - 7 min

    • Patient Medical History & Privacy - 10 min

  • 07

    Basic First Aid for the Severely Injured Subject

    • Basic Approach - 6 min

    • Stop Bleeding - 10 min

    • Ensure an Open Airway - 15 min

    • Protect the Spine - 5 min

    • Manage Body Temperature - 10 min

  • 08

    Other Medical Considerations

    • Food and Fluids - 3 min

    • Over the Counter Medications - 5 min

    • Can the Subject Walk? - 7 min

  • 09

    Special Situations

    • The Deceased Subject - 10 min

    • Unusual Situations - 10 min

    • The Wait - 5 min

  • 10

    Review Quiz

    • Review Quiz